D, Zero to Hello World

Why don’t more people use this?


Dlang with vibe.d

Installed dmd using the official install script, and activated, source ~/dlang/dmd-2.101.1/activate. On Windows I use scoop to install the dmd compiler.

Created a basic project using DUB and used the default settings, dub init [project-name] . Note, DUB can create a vibe.d project with dub init [project-name] -t vibe.d. DUB also initialized the project with git and added a .gitignore file.

Added the vibe.d package.

$ dub init dlang_test

$ dub add vibe-d
-> Adding dependency vibe-d ~>0.9.5

Here I got lost for a minute looking for the next step. I checked the vibe.d and DUB package docs. Then the DLang Tour and vibe.d Tour. Hoping for invalid command here is the help, I typed dub in the terminal and it started installed the dependencies, then failed.

/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/12/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl: No such file or directory
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/12/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypto: No such file or directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: linker exited with status 1

The vibe.d package docs lists libssl as a required dependency and gives and Debian example apt install libssl-devel. Also, under the install section there is an example of just typing dub. I am using openSUSE Tumbleweed and the package names do not sync with Debian. I insanely try again, hoping for a different result.

$ dub
-> Pre-gen Running commands for openssl

Ah openssl. I installed the libopenssl-devel package and success.

$ zypper install libopenssl-devel
-> The following 2 NEW packages are going to be installed:
   libopenssl-3-devel libopenssl-devel

Then I found the DUB getting started docs, which lists:

$ dub build
$ dub run
$ dub test

I tried the run command and got this output, Edit source/app.d to start your project. I thought duh, so I tried the build command, and got a dlang-test executable, which output the same message. After opening the project in Codium, I realized why.

// app.d
import std.stdio;

void main()
	writeln("Edit source/app.d to start your project.");

I replaced the contents with the Hello Vibe.d example

// app.d
import vibe.vibe;

void main()
    listenHTTP("", (req, res) {
        res.writeBody("Hello Vibe.d: " ~ req.path);


Built, ran, and tested with curl.

$ curl localhost:8080
-> Hello Vibe.d:

Overall project tree

├── dlang_test
│   ├── dlang-test - 47M debug, 13M release 
│   ├── dub.json
│   ├── dub.selections.json
│   └── source
│       └── app.d

Building with dub build --build=release reduced the size to 13M.

Starting from scratch and while writing these notes, I was done in less than 30 minutes.

I also installed and activated the LDC compiler, which about halved the executable size.

$ dub build --compiler=ldc2
$ dub build --build=release --compiler=ldc2

├── dlang_test
│   ├── dlang-test - 23M debug, 4.4M release

DUB listed to following transitive dependencies.

	"fileVersion": 1,
	"versions": {
		"diet-ng": "1.8.1",
		"eventcore": "0.9.22",
		"libasync": "0.8.6",
		"memutils": "1.0.4",
		"mir-linux-kernel": "1.0.1",
		"openssl": "3.3.0",
		"stdx-allocator": "2.77.5",
		"taggedalgebraic": "0.11.22",
		"vibe-core": "1.22.6",
		"vibe-d": "0.9.5"